API for Developers

Here you will find the API provide for developers.

Entry point

This is the main file for perprof


This is the entry point when calling perprof.


Generates the dictionaries with options


Set all the arguments of perprof

File parse

Functions to parse the files

The files must be in the following format:

<Metadata 01>: <Value 01>
<Metadata 02>: <Value 02>
<Problem Name 01> <Exit Flag 01> <Cost 01>
<Problem Name 02> <Exit Flag 02> <Cost 02>
<Problem Name 03> <Exit Flag 03> <Cost 03>
perprof.parse.parse_file(filename, parser_options)

Parse one file.

  • filename (str) – name of the file to be parser
  • options (dict) – dictionary with the options: list subset: list with the name of the problems to use list success: list with strings to mark sucess int mintime: minimum time running the solver int maxtime: maximum time running the solver bool free_format: if False request that fail be mark with d

performance profile data and name of the solver

Profile interface

The functions related with the perform (not the output).

class perprof.prof.Pdata(parser_options, profiler_options)

Store data for performance profile.


Get the set of problems to use.

Returns:list of problems

Get the set of solvers to use.

Returns:list of solvers

This should be implemented by a child of this class.


Scale time.


Set the percent of problems solved by time.


Load the data.

Parameters:parser_options (dict) – the configuration dicionary

Profiler using TikZ

This handle the plot using tikz.

class perprof.tikz.Profiler(parser_options, profiler_options)

The profiler using TikZ.


Create the performance profile using TikZ/PgfPlots.

Profiler using matplotlib